Sixth Key

The Sixth Key in English

The spirits of the fourth angle
Are nine, mighty in the firmament
Of waters; whom the second hath
Planted as a torment to Jehova,
And a garland to the sons
And daughters of Satan,
Giving them fiery darts to winnow
The earth and nine continual workmen
Whose courses visit with comfort,
The earth, and are in government
And continuance. Hearken to my voice!
I have talked of you and
I move you in power and presence
You, whose works shall be
A song of honor
And the praise of Satan in your creation!

The Sixth Key in Enochian

Gah de sdiv chis em,
Micalzo pilzin de sobam;
Casarm taviv harg ta mir iad,
Od obloc nore od pasbs
De Satan, dlvgar malprg ar caosga
Od em canal sobol zar fbliard
Caosga, od chis netaab od miam.
Solpeth bien! Brita od zacam
Gmicalzo sobha vavn trian lviahe
Od ecrin de Satan qaaon!

The Sixth Key Enochian Pronunciation

GAH   '   DAY   '   suh-DEEV   '   kuh-HEES
AYM,   '   mee-KAH-luh-zoh   '   pee-luht-SEEN
DAY   '   ZOH-bahm;   '   kuh-SAH-ruhm   '   tah-VEEV
HAH-ruhjzh   '   TAH
MEE-ruh   '   ee-YAHD,
OHD   '   OH-buh-lohk   '  NOH-ray   '   OHD
PAHSS-uh-bus   '   DAY   '   SAY-TAN,
duh-luh-vuh-JZHAHR   '   MAH-luh-pah-rah-jzhah
AH-ruh   '   kah-OHS-suh-gah   '   OHD   '   AYM
ZOH-bohl   '   ZAH-ruh   '   fuh-buh-LEE-ah-ruhd
OHD   '   kuh-HEES   '   NAY-tah-ahb   '   OHD
zol-luh-PAY-tuh-huh   '   BEE-ayn!
buh-REE-tah   '   OHD   '   ZAH-kahm
guh-mee-KAH-luh-zoh   '   ZOH-buh-hah
VAH-vuhn   '  tah-REE-ahn   '   luh-VEE-ah-hay   '   OHD
AY-kuh-reen   '   DAY  '   SAY-TAN   '   kah-AH-ohn!